Saturday, October 24, 2009

Final Week Of Freedom

As I expected there has not been a lot of things to blog about since my last posting. In summary, Court (my roommate who is also going into the Army - enlisted side) and I have been doing PT (physical training) with our recruiting station. Most people take the mind set that they're not going to work out until the drill sgts make them work out. In turn they end up hating basic. I don't want to be in that category so we have been working our butts off. Our main focus has been running but recently muscle failure has been added to the mix.

Besides that I had an APFT a week or so ago. My score was 272.
Running: 100 pts.
Push-Ups: 92 pts.
Sit-Ups: 80 pts.
My goal is to get a 290+ in OCS. I didn't score as well as I would have liked but I feel confident that what I'm lacking now will be made up for in basic.

So I've got 1 week left before I ship out. My plans are to drink coffee and eat chocolate and ice cream while I have the luxery to do so :-). This might be my last post before I leave but I will be writing a friend and she will be posting updates about basic. Also, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to post them and she will send them to me.

1 comment:

  1. Meg, Im sure you are well into training now, I just want to encourage you to stay positive and strong, I also want to thank you for starting your blog, I have been looking into and reading everything I can get my hands on about women in ocs. I have been seriously considering it, thanks again for you service.
