Monday, July 27, 2009

MEPS paperwork

Like I said in my previous post, I'm going to try to update this as much as possible so there is a chance that some of these posts will be fairly short. This one, for example, will be one of the short ones...

I went into the recruiting office today to fill out my MEPS paperwork. It took a while but could probably have been much quicker if I have known what I want as my specific branch (job) and my location wish-list ahead of time. I filled out medical papers which asked me a butt load of questions about my physical and mental history. If any of the questions are answered "yes" that does not automatically disqualify someone but it does mean that more paperwork has to be filled out to explain why the person checked yes. For example, if someone has seen a clinical counselor and checks "yes" then they have to obtain official records....or if they had surgery then medical records have to be found for the procedure etc., etc. Anyway, I was able to check "no" for all the questions so that made it pretty easy. Next came my branch choice. In order or preference, I listed:

1. Aviation
2. Adjutant General (Human Resources)
3. Military Intelligence
4. Engineers
5. Military Police
6. Air Defense Artillery
7. Chemical
8. Finance
9. Ordinance
10. Signal

Next came my location wish-list. (I don't recall all the post names):

1. Ft. Sam Houston, TX
2. Ft. Benning, GA
3. Ft. Lewis, WA
4. Korea
5. Ft. Carson, CO
6. Washington D.C.
7. Ft. Meade, VA
8. Germany
9. Belgium
10. Japan

The whole process took about an hr and a half. With this paperwork done, I am now ready for MEPS (the Army's medical processing) which will be this Thurs/Friday.

Tomorrow morning I have an APFT. I do not feel confident about it and I kind of don't want to post my scores but I will anyway so I can see my progress through future soldier training, basic, and OCS.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On your mark, get set, go!

Before I decided to join the Army I did a lot of searching online for Army blogspots to get an idea of what goes on. The few blogs I found helped me a lot in my Army decision, so I figured it was only right for me to also create a blog to help others.

Here's my story (summed up):

I have always wanted to be in the military. I grew up in San Antonio, TX (Air Force country) so I dreamed of wearing the AF uniform and being a fighter pilot. Somewhere between age 10 and 25 I got distracted and focused on other things. I'm now 25. I have lived the last few years as a wanderer traveling from place to place wanting to experience life without having any real commitments. I'm tired of that, I'm ready to start a career and make something of my life.

I know I want to serve my country. I want my life to count for something bigger then just me. I want to make a difference and do my part to keep my country free. About 6 or 7 months ago I started researching which branch of the military I wanted to join. I was leaning heavily towards the Air Force but eventually the Army won out (Hooah). I'm right now in the process of getting my OCS packet together. It's almost all done - I still need to do my physical and my APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test). Assuming that I get my packet together in enough time, I will have my OCS board date on 7 August and I am so pumped for it! I cannot wait to sign my contract and start this new adventure.

Right now I'm trying to prepare for OCS. It is both physically and mentally demanding. There are 5 mile runs, water survival tests, obstacle courses, and so much more. Of course that's just the physical part...beyond that there are hours upon hours of class time then applying what we learn. I'm trying to prepare by going to the ROTC PT as well work out on my own. I'm working out 2x's a day Monday-Friday then a light workout on Saturday and I rest on Sundays. I feel pretty confident that I will be as ready as I can be by the time I leave.

I will do what I can to keep this updated.